Canon’s Hybrid Solutions Group (HSG) launched due to the recent rise in hybrid working with a whole array of printers and printing solutions. Our Harmony For Every You concept is all about speeding up the customer’s purchase decision process by showing off that Canon has options that can cater to their needs. By using the perfect persona and use cases for various Canon printers and the PIXMA Print Plan, the concept highlights what each printers excels at. In short, Canon has a printer for every you.
As Creative Lead / Copywriter I had a hand in most things in this project.
Platinum Viddy – Non-Broadcast | Short Form Web Videos | Informational
Gold Marcom – Video_Informational
Agency: Pixel
ECD: Jacqueline DiMaria
Copywriter: Doug Knopf (me)
Art Director: Brenda Cortes
Designer: Jubilee Cho
Meet Student Samantha and the PIXMA Print Plan – she wants to succeed in school but doesn’t want ink costs to overwhelm her student-sized budget.
The PIXMA Print Plan is perfect for Samantha’s homework needs.
Sci-Fi Novelist Samantha and her trusty MegaTank – She takes sci-fi seriously and is passionate about translating her graphic novel, Planet Galactara, onto the page with high-quality color prints with lots of text. The Canon MegaTank Printers’ budget-friendly ink bottles lets her print in bulk and avoid running low on ink.
Small Business Samantha and her workhorse, ImageCLASS – She runs a tight ship and needs a fast printer that can keep up with her business. The Canon imageCLASS Laser Printer has business productivity features to keep her workflow moving smoothly.